Wednesday, May 30, 2012

IML 2012

Travel season 2012 officially began for Randy and I over Memorial Day Weekend when we loaded up the Rav4 and headed to Chicago of IML.  This was our first trip to IML- International Mr Leather.  It's been on my list forever and my expectations were high - I was not disappointed. 

Our journey started out on Thursday night when Randy finally made it home from New Hampshire after his flight was delayed a day due to weather.  We left Cincinnati a little before 9pm and drove to Indy where we hung out in one of our favorite clubs and ran into both the fabulous Regina Beotch and Nick Murphy.

Friday morning, we set our sites on Chi-town and made a pit stop in Lafayette, IN.  I realized along the road that I forgot to pack my medication and Meijer saved the day.  The Lafayette Meijer pulled up my account and refilled it for me.  Nice to know that Meijer is there in a pinch!

Just after 3pm, we arrived at the Hyatt Regency.  Talk about sensory overload!  HOT guys wherever you looked! 

Here's some shots of the Hyatt:

And some shots the hot guys from Day One:

Here I am with Austin and Derek of "The A-List: New York"

As you can see, the bar was PACKED in the hotel lobby - no reason to leave the hotel!

Day Two:

Day Three:

Day Four: 

 The Videos:

And more..